Barbican Balcony

Plant selection

It was a really enjoyable task selecting the plants for this demanding spot (on the third floor of the Barbican). Compact shrubs, perennials and bulbs have been chosen that grow well in an exposed position with lots of sun and wind, similar to seaside conditions.

Choosing a mixture of evergreens and perennials

Both evergreens and herbaceous perennials (that die back in winter) have been selected so that there are changing vistas when the client looks out of their windows, with different colours, textures and scents throughout the year.


Planters were emptied of old compost and refilled with a mixture of topsoil, peat-free compost and light-weight Leca for drainage and water retention.


Lush planting will supply great textures over winter, bulbs will energetically emerge in early and mid Spring and perennials and compact shrubs will provide vibrant colours throughout Spring, Summer and Autumn.


North London Head Gardeners have done a great job on my balcony planters. It’s a difficult site so we met and discussed what I wanted to achieve and the constraints. Naomi and Laura then came up with suggestions and an estimate which I endorsed before commissioning them to complete the whole project – clearing away old soil from an elevated position, providing a new growing medium, and planting up around 150 really healthy plants – plus bulbs – designed to give year round interest and colour. Follow up has been excellent with email advice when requested, plus a maintenance visit to check how everything is doing and to feed the plants. I am extremely pleased with my new garden.